Wednesday, November 23, 2005

I went to NYC

and all I got was engaged.

Here's my photo essay!

Rockefeller Plaza. Pretty classy, huh?

I know.

For all of you Arlene fans

Per Tyler Durden's (if that is your real name) request, here is another pic of Arlene. With Andy. At the "Pirates of the Caribbean" gift shop.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

This just in (my mouth)

I've been learning to cook. When Jilly travels for work, she's gone for at least a week or two at a time and neither my wallet nor my waist can afford to eat out of a box, bag, or foil wrapper for that long. Tonight, with a little phone help from Jilly, my Mama, and Kraft, I successfully* made a meatloaf!

*considering five minutes had passed and I still hadn't blown it back out either end.

Happy Go Fridays Kids Show Go!

It was my turn to write our Japanese game show paradoy "Happy Go Fridays Kids Show Go!" for Fridays. Here's some of what we got from our shoot this past weekend:

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Always behind

Apparently some European students are building a home-made satellite that will eventually reach the Moon.

Well, twenty-five years ago, Andy Griffith went to the Moon in a home-made rocket he built himself out of junk. And he was an American, by God!

Friday, September 16, 2005

Questions & concerns

I've received several questions the past few days pertaining to the cost of the Fridays "Haunted House" set. It is rather impressive so I can understand your curiosity. Remember Arlene that I spoke of in an earlier post? Well, here she is, hard at work as always:

Arlene is our producer on Fridays. She handles all the stuff that we don't, or shouldn't, handle, namely money. Oftimes, you can hear Arlene across the office, laughing hysterically at our scripts, not because they're funny, but because we don't have the money. So ask her how much the set costs, because, to be honest, we don't know or care.

Now the concern:

Matthew Lesko, the crazy "get free money from the government" guy on those infomercials, was here yesterday shooting a promo for [adult swim]. He was even wearing that suit of his, and yes, the government paid for the whole thing.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Walking tour of a haunted house

This is the Fridays "Haunted House" set for October. It's definitely a fixer-upper.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Shootin' Fridays

The entire Cartoon Network Program Production team was at Turner Studios this weekend shooting Fridays. Here's the entire Cartoon Network Program Production team:

Me, Andy, Steve, and Lammy the Incontinent Lamb.

There's one more person, Arlene, on the Fridays team, and I don't know where she was when we took this; perhaps she was actually working. We're shooting October shows with Tommy and Tara on our special Haunted House set, pics of which I will haste!

Monday, August 29, 2005

I just got back from vacation...

And here I am with a huge erection - the Tybee Island Lighthouse! Although they call it a "light station" cuz they're all upitty on Tybee Island, I guess.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Return of the Hillbilly

Oh yeah, Hillbilly fans! I've been gone a long while, but now I'm BACK! I've started a new job at Cartoon, I've got a new girlfriend, and it's football season!

As you can see from my previous post, it was last football season. So basically, I suck. But since Blogger has gotten fancier and I can post all kinds of different ways, I'll do it more often. More pictures, more posts, more Hillbilly! You dig?!

Aight, back to Celebrity Fit Club 2: Electric Boogaloo. They're about to weigh in. That Toccara is round in all the right places! If I had a swing like that, I'd put it on my front porch!

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Happy New Year!

TODAY is the OUTBACK BOWL! Georgia Bulldogs vs. Wisconsin Badgers! Kickoff is 11:00! Watch it!


Bulldogs WIN! 24 - 21!