Wednesday, November 23, 2005

I went to NYC

and all I got was engaged.

Here's my photo essay!

Rockefeller Plaza. Pretty classy, huh?

I know.


Tyler Durden said...

Congrats! Although, I am surprised that a hillbilly like yourself could navigate around NYC. I beleive I have had a simple upbringing like yourself. I may not be the son of a milkman but I have been referred to being a son of a Bxxxx.
My question is: What is the significance of Rockerfeller Plaza?



Matt McElhannon said...

The significance of Rockefeller Center is that I needed at least a few people standing around at a location so I could ask someone to take our picture. I tried to do it at The Met and screwed up. Then I wanted to do it at the Empire State Building, but she said she didn't want to stand in line that long. Plan "C" was Rockefeller Center, because she had been talking about going there all weekend, so I knew it would be perfect. And it was.